Age Well Drive Smart

Our Mission


To reduce motor vehicle collision and pedestrian deaths and injuries experienced by older Californians and to increase seniors' alternate transportation options when driving is no longer an option.

CHP Senior Driver/Mobility Program


The CHP's mission is to provide the highest level of safety, service, and security to the people of California. To that end, addressing older driver safety/mobility is a high priority for the CHP. Over the past six years, the Department has placed emphasis on the roadway safety and mobility of California's seniors. A list of these programs and efforts appears below.

  • Office of Traffic Safety Grant Programs: Senior Safety Classique (2002); Older Californian, Hispanic and Asian American Traffic Safety (2004); Older Drivers Driving Safer and Longer (2005); and Seniors Safe and Mobile (2006)

  • Older Adults and Traffic Safety (OATS) Task Force Participant (2000 - 2002)

  • Older Californian Traffic Safety (OCTS) Task Force - Chair, Coordinator, and Participant (2003 - 2009)

  • Served as a consultant to a Bay Area public television station to produce a program addressing senior driving issues, The Golden Road (2003)

  • CHP Redwood City Area Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) - Driving Wellness Program (Unlock Your Potential) (2004)

  • ​Consultant to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in developing a standardized older driver law enforcement curriculum (2005)

  • The Department is a major stakeholder in the development an implementation of the state's Strategic Highway Safety Plan (response to the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Safety Act: A Legacy for Users [SAFETEA-LU]); older driver safety/mobility is an emphasis area (2006)

  • Dissemination of statewide older driver/mobility public awareness presentation package to CHP Areas (2007).

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Contact Us


For further information, please contact your local CHP Area office.

Funding for Age Well Drive Smart is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the Business, Transportation and Housing Agency





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