Asian Pacific Islander Outreach Program

APIO logoThe goal of Asian Pacific Islander Outreach is to educate and encourage safe driving and provide traffic safety education presentations.  Check out our safe driving tips, and see if they can help you be safer on the road.

API Outreach is still in its initial stage. The focus of this program is to utilize CHP officers of Asian ancestry or officers that are bilingual and bicultural to organize community events, provide traffic safety presentations, and serve as Asian American role models.

Did you know that in California:


  • Statistics show that fatal motor vehicle collisions is the leading cause of death for Asian Americans ages 14 to 34, and one of the major causes of death for Asian Americans of all other ages.

  • Illegal street racing and vehicle modification has become a growing concern among younger generations.

Currently, there are 4.2 million Asian Pacific Islander (API) Americans in California. This number equates to 12.2 percent of the total population in California and makes Asian Americans the second largest ethnic group in the state. More than 40 percent of immigrants who arrived in California last year were of Asian descent. In addition, California is the residence for one-third of Asian Americans in the United States.

COMR logoPlease feel free to contact the Office of Community Outreach & Media Relations (COMR), at (916) 843-3210 with any comments or traffic-related concerns affecting your community. It is our mission to find solutions to local traffic problems and to provide service to the public we serve by developing community partnerships.

Are you interested in being a part of the CHP team? Check out our recruiting information on the web, or call us. We'll be glad to answer any questions you might have.



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