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CVIS Study Guide / DMV Commercial Driver Handbook

The purpose of this study guide is to help you prepare for the CVIS I written test. The written test is divided into three subtests. Each subtest measures knowledge and abilities that are required for success as a CVIS I. This study guide has examples of the types of questions that will appear on the test; the correct answer is indicated with an arrow. Please note that the examples are simplified versions of the actual test and are shown for illustrative purposes only. It also provides a list of job related
terminology with which you should be familiar.

In addition to reviewing material in this study guide, you may find it helpful to read the relevant parts of the Department of Motor Vehicles, California Commercial Driver Handbook. Reading and understanding the handbook will help you when it comes time to take the CVIS written exam and it will benefit your future profession.

The CVIS Open Examination is now available through September 19, 2024. Click here to apply.

The handbook is a lengthy document. It is best to read it in manageable chunks.

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