Explorer Training

​Once accepted into the Explorer program, new post members are required to attend three Academy levels within the first 18 months. These Academies will train the explorers in many different aspects of law enforcement to make them better equipped for working with officers in the field. Explorer Post members will learn radio codes, patrol vehicle operation, traffic control, and a number of other subjects geared toward preparing them mentally and physically for the anticipation of becoming a cadet at the CHP Academy.  Upon successful completion of each level of training, Explorers shall receive a Certificate of Accomplishment in recognition of their achievements.

Explorer Level I Academy

The Explorer Level I Academy outlines the basics of service expected from Explorer Cadets and consists of more than twenty-four hours of instruction typically held at the Area office. During the Level I Academy Explorer Cadets will learn about the California Vehicle Code, receive an introduction to criminal law, be shown how to properly document the storage and impounding of vehicles, learn the basics of how to investigate a traffic accident, become familiar with CHP's patrol radio equipment and communications protocols, as well as receive instruction on leadership and ethics. The completion of Level I Academy training provides explorer cadets with the knowledge necessary to perform a ride-along in a safe manner.  Participating in ride-alongs with an officer gives Explorer Cadets a basic understanding of departmental field operations which will enhance their Levels II, III, and IV training.

CHP Explorers


Explorer Level II Academy

The Explorer Level II Academy consists of 16 hours of training, taught over two days, covering the basics for CPR and first aid. It is renewed annually by Explorers of all ranks and is essential in the event that these skills are needed to assist officers in the field at accident scenes or provide assistance for injured parties.


Explorer Level III Academy

The Explorer Level III Academy is designed for Explorer Cadets, ages 16-21, who have an interest in exploring Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement career opportunities. The Explorer Academy is an abbreviated replica of the actual CHP Academy, and is designed to familiarize explorer cadets with course curriculum, academic standards, law enforcement, professionalism, esprit de corps and teamwork.

CHP Explorers

CHP Explorers

This intense seven day training course located at the CHP Academy in West Sacramento is very demanding on the physical and mental capabilities of the explorer cadet. The program is designed to test the strengths and limitations of a person's intelligence, personality, demeanor and physical abilities, as well as dedication and conviction to the Explorer Program. This Academy is challenging, exciting, fulfilling and one that the explorers take pride in upon successful completion.

Explorer Level IV Academy

The Explorer Level IV Academy is an advanced program of instruction designed to refine Explorer's skills and introduce them to the Department's cadet training standards. The Level IV Academy is a seven-day, live-in academy located at the CHP Academy in West Sacramento. In order to qualify for the Level IV Academy, an Explorer must have successfully completed the Explorer Levels I, II, and III Academies, be at least 20 years of age, and be in excellent health and physical condition.

​In addition to Physical Training, Use of Force, and DUI investigation training, Level IV attendees are given the rare opportunity to drive a patrol vehicle on the Emergency Vehicle Operations Course as well as participate in live-fire training at the range. Explorers who attend the Level IV Academy also receive first-hand knowledge about the CHP's testing and hiring process . The Level IV Academy training is designed for those Explorers who have applied for, or will be applying for the position of CHP cadet and have demonstrated a commitment to the Department as well as the Explorer Post.

CHP Explorers

CHP Explorers

CHP Explorers


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