Paid Training

​The initial three week service desk training session begins at the California Highway Patrol Academy in West Sacramento or at the Clark Training Center in Riverside, California. Approximately four months later, candidates return for two weeks of radio training. Candidates receive personalized training, with an instructor/student ratio of 1:3. Training will include some of the following:

  • ​Aural Brevity (codes, phonetic alphabet, etc.)

  • Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD)

  • Officer Safety

  • Missing Persons

  • Domestic Violence

  • Wellness Management

  • ​Department of Motor Vehicles

  • Professionalism and Ethics

  • Critical Incidents

  • Civil Liability

  • Dispatching Procedures

  • Criminal Justice System

​Our Dispatch Academy is certified by the Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). It is the initial experience at the Academy that gives new employees a sharper focus and better understanding of the instructional sessions. The radio training provides instructors a means of assessment and reinforcement of the employee's skills from the initial training. Additionally, the radio training provides employees the necessary tools to begin radio training at their assigned communication center.

For Upcoming Exams

For additional information and applications, contact the CHP at:
1-888-4A CHP JOB
(1-888-422-4756) TT/TDD
1-800-735-2929 EOE/ADA
or by e-mail


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