Abandoned Vehicle Abatement

The California Highway Patrol's (CHP) Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) Program was designed to provide guidance to counties who wish to develop and administer AVA Authorities. The AVA Program is recognized as a means to remove abandoned vehicles that create a public nuisance and a health or safety hazard. Currently, there are thirty-seven counties in the State of California participating in the AVA program. Additional counties continue to request sample plans to develop local plans in conformance with the AVA guidelines.

Research and Planning Section will assist any county that has or wishes to initiate an AVA Program. The Department's role is limited to providing guidelines, assistance and advice to the counties' AVA Authorities, and assisting them with interpretation of codes and policies.  

Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Handbook


The purpose of this handbook is to provide uniform guidelines for the establishment of Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) Plans being developed by Service Authorities which have been established pursuant to Section 22710 California Vehicle Code (VC) and funded pursuant to Section 9250.7 VC.

The objective is to aid county-based Service Authorities with the development of the required Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Plans.

Inquiries regarding this publication or the Statewide AVA Program should be directed to:

California Highway Patrol
Research and Planning Section
P.O. Box 942898
Sacramento, California, 94298-0001
(916) 843-3340



List of Counties Participating in AVA Program (PDF)https://www.chp.ca.gov/ResearchAndPlanningSectionSite/Documents/AVA_ProgramRoster.pdfList of Counties Participating in AVA Program (PDF)AVA Program Documents
Adopted Texthttps://www.chp.ca.gov/ResearchAndPlanningSectionSite/Documents/Text of Modified Regulations.pdfAdopted TextCannabis tax
HPH 87.1 A Table of Contents (PDF)https://www.chp.ca.gov/ResearchAndPlanningSectionSite/Documents/HPH 87.1 Cover and TOC.pdfHPH 87.1 A Table of Contents (PDF)HPH 87.1 AVA Program Handbook
HPH 87.1, Chapter 1 https://www.chp.ca.gov/ResearchAndPlanningSectionSite/Documents/HPH 87.1 Chapter 1.pdfHPH 87.1, Chapter 1 HPH 87.1 AVA Program Handbook
HPH 87.1, Chapter 2 (PDF)https://www.chp.ca.gov/ResearchAndPlanningSectionSite/Documents/HPH 87.1, Chapter 2.pdfHPH 87.1, Chapter 2 (PDF)HPH 87.1 AVA Program Handbook
HPH 87.1, Chapter 3 (PDF)https://www.chp.ca.gov/ResearchAndPlanningSectionSite/Documents/HPH 87.1, Chapter 3.pdfHPH 87.1, Chapter 3 (PDF)HPH 87.1 AVA Program Handbook
HPH 87.1, Chapter 4 (PDF)https://www.chp.ca.gov/ResearchAndPlanningSectionSite/Documents/HPH 87.1, Chapter 4.pdfHPH 87.1, Chapter 4 (PDF)HPH 87.1 AVA Program Handbook
Victim of Crimes Brochure (PDF)https://www.chp.ca.gov/ResearchAndPlanningSectionSite/Documents/Crimes.pdfVictim of Crimes Brochure (PDF)HPH 87.1 AVA Program Handbook

Frequently Asked Questions



Can our county participate in the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) program?Can our county participate in the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) program?<p>​​Yes, if a two-thirds vote of the county board of supervisors and a majority of cities having the majority of incorporated population adopt a resolution providing for the establishment of the authority and the imposition of the vehicle registration fee. The AVA plan must be submitted to the California Highway Patrol (CHP) for approval no later than August 1st of the year prior to operation.</p>
What does the CHP do with respect to the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) program?What does the CHP do with respect to the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) program?<p>​The CHP reviews the AVA plan and makes recommendations for revisions, if necessary, by October 1st. Once the CHP approves the plan as being consistent with statute and the guidelines contained in CHP Handbook HPH 87.1, it shall be sent to the State Controller's Office (SCO) by the participating county. </p>
What is the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) program?What is the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) program?<p>​​The AVA Program provides funds to County Administrators for the removal of abandoned vehicles, as a public nuisance, from within their counties by imposing a $1 registration fee for all vehicles registered within the county. </p>
What recordkeeping is required for the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) program?What recordkeeping is required for the Abandoned Vehicle Abatement (AVA) program?<p>​​Counties participating in the AVA program shall submit a fiscal year-end report to the State Controller's Office on or before October 31 of each year or the participating county will lose funding for one year.</p>


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