Drug Recognition Evaluator - Training Selection

Information For All Training Classes


All applications for selection to a training class will be approved and coordinated by the designated class coordinator.  Click on a link in the menu on the right for class schedules.

If you would like to be notified of future training opportunities in your area, please e-mail your request to dre@chp.ca.gov and include the title(s) of any classes you would like to be notified about.

Information For DRE Classes Only


All applicants and participating agencies shall provide a letter of endorsement prior to enrollment in a DRE school. The letter of endorsement provided by the participating Agency acknowledges and agrees to the requirements of this program set forth in the National Standards. The standards include completion of the DRE classroom training (72 hours), the DRE Field Certification Training (approximately 32 hours), and biannual recertification.

All applicants shall attend and complete all phases of the DRE Training.

Students wishing to enroll in DRE classes must show proof of completion of  Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) Course and ARIDE Course.

CHP Classes


For applications and additional information, please contact the DRE Unit at (916) 843-4360.



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