​Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities


The California Highway Patrol (CHP) disability committee is known as the Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities (ACPD) and was established to assist employees and the public.  The ACPD is under the guidance of the Office of the Commissioner and works in conjunction with the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity in promoting disability awareness. Government Code Section 19795(b) requires the CHP to "provide a committee dedicated to advising the head of the agency on issues of concern to employees with disabilities, and matters relating to the formulation and implementation of the plan to overcome and correct any underrepresentation determined pursuant to Government Code Section 19234(b)”.

The ACPD supports the CHP and continues to strive for equality and inclusion among individuals with disabilities.  The ACPD serves as an advisory committee to the Commissioner of the California Highway Patrol on disability related issues. The nine members that make up the CHP ACPD consist of employees from throughout the state and incorporate a core value of disability awareness.  There is a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson that oversee the operational needs of the committee.  At monthly meetings, members discuss employment issues of concern to state employees with disabilities, training issues, share information, and recommend actions to the Commissioner.

State Disability Advisory Committees


Government Code Section 19795(b) requires each department to establish a Disability Advisory Committee (DAC). The purpose of the DAC is to advise the departmental director of issues of concern to the department's employees with disabilities.  Departmental DAC members participate on the Statewide Disability Advisory Council (SDAC) which helps departmental DACs by sharing ideas for improving the representation of state employees with disabilities, proposing solutions to reasonable accommodation problems, and providing information and training on disability issues. The SDAC Co-Chairs provide support to DAC members on how to have an effective DAC.  In order to assist departments establish effective DACs, the California Department of Human Resources and the SDAC have prepared an information guide, please go to the link for additional information:

For more information related to the CHP ACPD contact:


Gerardo Serrato, Chairperson







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