Electrically motorized board
An electrically motorized board, or hoverboard, is any wheeled device that has a floorboard designed to be stood upon when riding, that is not greater than 60 inches deep and 18 inches wide, and designed to transport only one person. The device has an electric propulsion system averaging less than 1,000 watts, with a maximum speed of no more than 20 miles per hour when powered solely by the propulsion system on a paved level surface. The device may be designed to be powered by human propulsion. The maximum speed an electrically motorized board may be operated is 15 miles per hour, and only on roadways with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour or less, unless on a Class II or Class IV bikeway. If operated during darkness the device must be equipped with, or the operator must have attached to their person, a headlamp that emits white light that is visible from 300 feet, a red reflector on the rear that is visible from 500 feet, and white or yellow reflectors on each side visible from 200 feet.
Operator must be 16 years of age or older.
A properly fitted and fastened bicycle helmet is required when operating on public roadway or bikeway.
Must not be operated at a speed greater than is reasonable for conditions.
It is unlawful to operate an electrically motorized board (hoverboard) on a roadway while under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
Use may be restricted or prohibited by local ordinance.
- A motorized skateboard is not a hoverboard.