To apply for the Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program (CTFGP), please submit a Grant Application via the Grant Management System (GMS). If awarded, the GMS will also be utilized to manage the project throughout the Project Performance Period. If your Organization/Agency is new to the program, you must register with the GMS before applying for a Grant Opportunity. Click on the links below to access the Grant Application Portal Guide and Grant Application Submission Instructional Video to help guide you through the GMS.
Grant Applications are due by 5:00 pm PST, February 23, 2025, through the GMS by clicking on the links below for the appropriate Grant Opportunity(s).
- Toxicology: Crime Laboratory Grant Opportunity
Click HERE to Register/Apply
Toxicology: Medical Examiners/Coroner’s Offices, and Law Enforcement Coroner’s Divisions Grant Opportunity
Click HERE to Register/Apply
Law Enforcement: Large-Size Organizations/Agencies Grant Opportunity
Click HERE to Register/Apply
Law Enforcement: Small and Mid-Size Organizations/Agencies Grant Opportunity
Click HERE to Register/Apply
Education Grant Opportunity
Click HERE to Register/Apply
For technical assistance, please contact the Cannabis Grants Unit at (916) 843-4360 between the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, or by email at
Note: Once a Grant Application is submitted through the GMS, Grant Applicants may not add, edit, or delete any Grant Application information.