Impaired Driver Enforcement Programs

The California Highway Patrol maintains an aggressive and comprehensive impaired driving program to deter, detect, and arrest DUI violators. The Department is involved in numerous activities aimed at removing the impaired driver from the roadways, encouraging individuals to refrain from driving under the influence, and identifying and apprehending illicit drug traffickers.

Driving under the influence (DUI) countermeasures used by the CHP include routine patrol, task force operations, sobriety checkpoints, aggressive enforcement strategies, public awareness, and active support of DUI laws.

The CHP will continue to take a leadership role in developing new strategies and technologies to combat a problem that threatens the safety of everyone traveling on California's highways.

​​There is no safe way to drive while under the influence.
Even one drink can make you an unsafe driver.

​Don't take the risk
If you're going to drink...

  • Designate a sober driver.

  • Call a cab.

  • Stay at your home or hotel.

  • Call a friend or family member.

D​UI Takes Its Toll...

  • An estimated 30 percent of Americans will be involved in an alcohol-involved traffic collision in his or her lifetime.

  • Over 17,000 people are killed every year in alcohol-related traffic collisions.

  • One American life is lost every 22 minutes in an alcohol-related traffic collision.



How much does a DUI Cost me?How much does a DUI Cost me?<ul><li><p>​Vehicle towing and storage: $187</p></li><li><p>Booking, fingerprinting, jail costs: $156</p></li><li><p>Fines (minimum) $468</p></li><li><p>Penalties (minimum): $780</p></li><li><p>Attorney and legal fees: $2,557</p></li><li><p>Car insurance increase: $8,652</p></li><li><p>DUI victim fund: $100</p></li><li><p>Driver license reinstatement: $100</p></li><li><p>DUI classes: $500</p></li><li><p>Total Approx: $13,500</p></li></ul>
What are the California DUI Laws?What are the California DUI Laws?<p><strong>​​Implied Consent</strong><br>Anyone granted the driving privilege is presumed to have given consent to law enforcement to conduct chemical testing of the motorist's blood or breath.</p><p><strong>0.08%</strong><br>Driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs is in violation of the law, as is anyone driving with a blood alcohol reading of 0.08% or higher. </p><p><strong>Truckers' DUI</strong><br>It is illegal for a driver to operate a commercial vehicle with a blood alcohol reading of 0.04% or higher. (Driver will be put out of service with a reading of 0.01% or higher.) </p><p><strong>Underage DUI: Zero Tolerance</strong><br>A driver under 21 years of age with a blood alcohol reading of 0.01% or higher on a Preliminary Alcohol Screening (PAS) device may have his license revoked or suspended. </p><p><strong>License Suspension or Revocation</strong><br>A driver under 21 with a blood alcohol reading of 0.05% or higher is subject to arrest and license suspension or revocation.</p>
Why do we have DUI Sobriety Checkpoints?Why do we have DUI Sobriety Checkpoints?<p>​The CHP maintains these checkpoints to reduce the number of drunk drivers on our highways and diminish the amount of pain, suffering, and death that result from drunk driving.</p>

Open Container of Alcohol

It is illegal for an owner or driver to keep an open container of alcohol in a vehicle except in the trunk or other area out of the immediate control of the occupants. It is also unlawful for passengers to possess an open container of alcohol.

Drinking alcohol affects your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

It is illegal to drive with a BAC that is 0.08% or more (0.04% or more if you drive commercial vehicles; 0.01% or more if under 21). However, a BAC below .08% does not mean that it is safe or legal to drive.

Remember: "One drink" is:

  • A 1 1/2-ounce shot of 80-proof liquor (even if mixed with non-alcoholic drinks),

  • A 5-ounce glass of 12% wine, or

  • A 12-ounce glass of 5% beer.

    These "One drink" equivalents change if you are drinking ale, malt liquors, fortified wines, port, brandy, different proof liquor, or if you are drinking on an empty stomach, are tired, sick, upset, or have taken medicines or drugs.

Drinking alcohol affects your Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)

(.01% - .04%) May be DUI: Anyone, after one drink during a two-hour period - and people weighing 170 pounds or more, after two drinks.

(.05% - .07%) Likely DUI: People weighing less than 170 pounds, after two drinks - people weighing 150 pounds or more, after three drinks - and people weighing 190 pounds or more, after four drinks.

(.08% - UP) Definitely DUI: People weighing less than 150 pounds, after three drinks - people weighing less than 190 pounds, after four drinks - and anyone, after five drinks.


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