Unsuspecting motorists are terrorized by violent criminals who steal their vehicles, usually at gunpoint, and speed away.
Protect yourself and your vehicle
Keep your doors locked. Close windows, if possible.
Drive with a companion.
Plan your route before your trip. Travel by freeway or well-lighted, frequently-used surface streets.
When you stop your vehicle in traffic, leave enough room to see the tires of the vehicle ahead. The extra space allows maneuverability for escape.
Don't stop or get out if you suspect the incident was deliberate.
Signal the other driver to follow; then drive to a secure, reasonable location (such as a police station), to exchange information.
Don't resist the theft - your life is worth more than your vehicle.
Do whatever is necessary to avoid being forced to accompany the carjacker.
Carjackers are usually unaware the vehicle contains a child in a safety seat.
Most offenders abandon the vehicle soon with the baby unharmed.
CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL - Office of Public Affairs / Graphic Services Unit
CHP 981
Select well-lighted areas.
Use a commercial garage that employs attendants.
Take a quick look at your surroundings before you get in or out of your vehicle.
Have your vehicle keys in hand and be ready to unlock and enter your vehicle promptly.
Prior to entering your vehicle, quickly scan the interior to ensure everything is in order.
Once inside, lock all doors.
Stay away from your vehicle if you see someone loitering nearby.