Inland Division faces the widest spectrum of traffic enforcement challenges of the CHP's field Divisions. Officers patrol an area larger than 12 individual states. Included in the geographical boundaries are the lowest point in the United States at Death Valley, and the highest point in the contiguous 48 states at Mt. Whitney.
Officers working the western section of the Division encounter some of the most intensely congested
roads in the nation at the intersections of Interstates 10, 15, 215, and Highways 210, 91, 71 and 60. In the
Division's sparsely populated eastern region, motorists tend to speed. All freeways have been adopted for
radar enforcement. A new addition to Inland Division is the Mountain Pass Joint Port of Entry (JPOE) Commercial Vehicle
Enforcement Facility located on Interstate 15, south of the Nevada Stateline. The facility will monitor
commercial vehicles entering the State of California for safe equipment and weight which significantly
affect the safety of the public traveling on California roadways.
Inland Division's two fixed-wing airplanes and two helicopters are essential to the enforcement operation. The fixed-wing planes patrol hundreds of miles a day over the desert and along the Sierra's sheer eastern face. The helicopters are a vital tool for the desert and mountain areas where people are injured or stranded while driving their off-highway vehicles, or become lost while hiking.
The Special Enforcement Unit (SEU), with 8 officers and 6 specially trained dogs has received honors at the local, state and national levels for the number and size of its drug seizures and the number of persons arrested. In addition to the team honors, individual officers also have been recognized for their drug interdiction efforts on Inland's freeways. In 2013, SEU confiscated drugs worth $133.5 million, up to $261.1 million in 2014.