Every 15 Minutes

Every 15 Minutes logo

What is "Every 15 Minutes"

The Every 15 Minutes program is a two-day program focusing on high school juniors and seniors, which challenges them to think about drinking, driving, personal safety, the responsibility of making mature decisions and the impact their decisions have on family, friends, their community, and many others.

Goals & Objectives

The program brings together a broad coalition of interested local agencies with the goal of reducing alcohol-related incidents among youth. The partnering of the California Highway Patrol, local law enforcement, local hospitals, emergency medical responders, schools, businesses, and service clubs validates the importance of working together to ensure a healthy community.

The two-day Every 15 Minutes program is very dramatic and emotional-and purposely so. Teenagers are constantly reminded about the choices they have to make involving alcohol and how many others are affected by their decisions.

They know the intellectual statistics. However, many teens share the belief it will never happen to them.

This powerful program is designed to create an awareness among students that they are not invincible. This program helps open the emotional doors, and it They  experience first hand how their actions affect the lives of so many other people.


With funding available from the California Office of Traffic Safety, the California Highway Patrol provides mini-grants to schools and organizations wanting to implement the Every 15 Minutes program.  

Applications are accepted each school year beginning October 1st. Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis until all spots are filled. If you have questions about how to apply, please contact the Public Information Officer in your local CHP Area Office CHP Area office.

Contact Information

Experienced CHP personnel are available to work with you, your advisors, and students to provide technical assistance in planning and implementing a successful Every 15 Minutes program at your school.

For additional information regarding the Every 15 Minutes Program, or to apply for a grant for your school, please contact your local CHP Public Information Officer.

Forms and Documents

​​​​The following documents have been provided to assist you in implementing your Every 15 Minutes Program. The Procedural Manual will take you step-by-step through the planning phases and shall be read prior to beginning the planning of the program.






​Downloadable Logos, Sound Effects


​Every coordinator shall use the standard Every 15 Minutes heartbeat logo, as well as the logos for the California Highway Patrol and California Office of Traffic Safety, on items developed for this program. This is very important for statewide program identity.

The style or color of the heartbeat logo may not be changed or altered in any way without the expressed written consent of the California Highway Patrol.

Photos and Videos

Every 15 Minutes ​is designed to have an emotional impact and alter the thinking of both teenagers and parents. Take a moment to view videos and pictures of previous events.


Woodland High School conducted their program April 3-4, 2015 in Woodland, California.  Approximately 1,200 students were impacted during this event.




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