
2017 Annual Report of Fatal and Injury Motor Vehicle Traffic Collisions (PDF)

The Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) serves as a means to collect and process data gathered from a collision scene.

  • 3,904 Persons Killed
  •  277,160 Persons Injured
  • 3,582 Fatal Crashes

  • 193,564 Injury Crashes
  • 1.13 Mileage Death Rate

Table of Contents



​​The following documents are available in both Microsoft Excel and PDF format. Both of these types of files may be viewed with free plugins. Please download Microsoft Excel Viewer or Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files.

SECTION 1 — TEN YEAR SUMMARIES, 2008-2017 (xls)

  1. Fatal Crashes by Month 2008-2017

  2. Persons Killed in Crashes by Month 2008-2017

  3. Injury Crashes by Month 2008-2017

  4. Persons Injured in Crashes by Month 2008-2017

  5. Population, Motor Vehicle Registration, Motorcycle Registration, Licensed Drivers, Licensed Motorcycle Drivers, Motor Vehicle Miles of Travel, and Mileage Death Rate 2008-2017

  6. Property Damage Only Crashes By Month 2008-2017

SECTION 2 — TIME (xls)

  1. Persons Killed by Date of Crash - 2017

  2. Fatal Crashes by Day of Week by Hour of Day - 2017

  3. Injury Crashes by Day of Week by Hour of Day - 2017

  4. Fatal and Injury Crashes by Weather by Month - 2017

  5. Fatal and Injury Crashes by Lighting by Intersection/Non-Intersection, Right-of-Way Controls - 2017


  1. Drivers in Fatal and Injury Crashes and Drivers Who Were at Fault by Type of Vehicle - 2017

  2. Drivers in Fatal and Injury Crashes by Age Compared to Licensed Drivers in California - 2017

  3. Drivers in Fatal and Injury Crashes and Drivers Who Were at Fault by Sex by Age - 2017

  4. Drivers in Fatal Crashes by Age by Hour of Day - 2017

  5. Drivers in Injury Crashes by Age by Hour of Day - 2017

  6. Drivers in Fatal Crashes by Type of Crash by Movement Preceding Crash - 2017

  7. Drivers in Injury Crashes by Type of Crash by Movement Preceding Crash -  2017

  8. Drivers in Fatal and Injury Crashes by Inattention by Crash Severity 2013-2017


  1. Persons Killed by Sex by Age - 2017

  2. Persons Injured by Sex by Age - 2017

  3. Persons Killed and Injured by Extent of Injury by Type of Crashes - 2017

  4. Persons Killed and Injured by Extent of Injury by Type of Vehicle - 2017

  5. Pedestrians Killed and Injured by Age by Action - 2017

  6. Persons Killed and Injured in Fatal and Injury Crashes by Age by Victim Classification - 2017

  7. Persons Killed Indicating Seat Belt, Helmet, or Other Safety Equipment Usage by Age - 2017

  8. Persons Injured Indicating Seat Belt, Helmet, or Other Safety Equipment Usage by Age - 2017


  1. Alcohol Involved Fatal and Injury Crashes by Month 2013-2017

  2. Persons Killed and Injured in Alcohol Involved Crashes by Month 2013-2017

  3. Alcohol Involved Fatal and Injury Crashes by County 2013-2017

  4. Persons Killed and Injured in Alcohol Involved Crashes by County 2013-2017

  5. Persons Killed and Injured in Alcohol Involved Crashes by Victim Type 2013-2017

  6. Motor Vehicle Drivers in Alcohol Involved Fatal and Injury Crashes by Type of Crash by Movement Preceding Crash - 2017

  7. Parties in Fatal and Injury Crashes by Sex by Degree of Alcohol Impairment - 2017

  8. Motor Vehicle Drivers in Fatal Crashes by Age by Degree of Alcohol Impairment - 2017

  9. Motor Vehicle Drivers in Injury Crashes by Age by Degree of Alcohol Impairment - 2017

  10. Had Been Drinking Drivers in Fatal and Injury Crashes by Sex by Age - 2017

  11. Alcohol Involved Fatal Crashes by Day of Week by Hour of Day - 2017

  12. Alcohol Involved Injury Crashes by Day of Week by Hour of Day - 2017

  13. Alcohol Involved Fatal Crashes by County by Month - 2017

  14. Persons Killed in Alcohol Involved Crashes by County by Month - 2017

  15. Alcohol Involved Injury Crashes by County by Month - 2017

  16. Persons Injured in Alcohol Involved Crashes by County by Month - 2017

  17. Persons Killed and Injured in Alcohol Involved Crashes by Age by Victim Classification - 2017


  1. Fatal and Injury Truck Crashes by Month 2013-2017

  2. Persons Killed and Injured in Truck Crashes by Month 2013-2017

  3. Fatal and Injury Truck Crashes by County 2013-2017

  4. Persons Killed and Injured in Truck Crashes by County 2013-2017

  5. Fatal Crashes Where Truck Driver Was at Fault by Age by Primary Crash Factor (PCF) - 2017

  6. Injury Crashes Where Truck Driver Was at Fault by Age by PCF- 2017

  7. Persons Killed in Truck Crashes Where Truck Driver Was at Fault by Age by PCF - 2017

  8. Persons Injured in Truck Crashes Where Truck Driver Was at Fault by Age by PCF - 2017

  9. Fatal and Injury Truck Crashes Where Truck Driver Was at Fault by PCF 2013-2017

  10. Fatal and Injury Truck Crashes Compared to All Fatal and Injury Crashes 2013-2017

  11. Truck Drivers in Fatal Crashes by Age by Movement Preceding Crash - 2017

  12. Truck Drivers in Injury Crashes by Age by Movement Preceding Crash - 2017


  1. Fatal and Injury Crashes by PCF 2013-2017

  2. Persons Killed and Injured by PCF 2013-2017

  3. Estimated Cost Per Person and Per Crash by Victim Severity and Property Damaged Only Crashes 2016-2017

  4. Hit and Run Crashes and Victims by Type of Crash - 2017

  5. Passenger Victims Killed and Injured Aged 5 and Under by County 2015-2017

  6. Fatal and Injury Pedestrian Crashes by Month 2013-2017

  7. Pedestrian Victims Killed and Injured by Age 2013-2017

  8. Fatal and Injury Motorcycle Crashes by Month 2013-2017

  9. Motorcyclists Killed and Injured by Age 2013-2017

  10. Fatal and Injury Motorcycle Crashes by County 2013-2017

  11. Fatal Crashes Where Motorcycle Driver Was at Fault by Age by PCF - 2017

  12. Injury Crashes Where Motorcycle Driver Was at Fault by Age by PCF - 2017

  13. Fatal and Injury Bicycle Crashes by Month 2013-2017

  14. Bicyclists Killed and Injured by Age 2013-2017

  15. Persons Killed and Injured During Holiday Periods 2013-2017

  16. Persons Killed and Injured in Alcohol Involved Crashes During Holiday Periods 2013-2017

  17. Crashes, Victims, Vehicle Miles of Travel, Motor Vehicle Registration, Population, and Mileage Death Rate 2004-2017


  1. Crashes and Persons Killed and Injured by County, City, and Road Classification - 2017

  2. Motor Vehicle Registration, Motorcycle Registration, Licensed Drivers, Population, and Roadway Miles by County - 2017

  3. Persons Killed and Injured by Extent of Injury by County - 2017

  4. Fatal Crashes by County 2008-2017

  5. Persons Killed by County 2008-2017

  6. Injury Crashes by County 2008-2017

  7. Persons Injured by County 2008-2017

  8. Fatal Crashes by County by Month - 2017

  9. Persons Killed by County by Month - 2017

  10. Injury Crashes by County by Month - 2017

  11. Persons Injured by County by Month - 2017

  12. Driving Under Influence (DUI)/PCF Fatal and Injury Crashes by County 2013-2017

  13. Persons Killed and Injured in DUI/PCF Crashes by County 2013-2017

  14. Persons Killed and Injured Indicating Seat Belt, Helmet, or Other Safety Equipment Usage by County, City, and Road Classification - 2017


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