(835) Barstow

Barstow front office


(760) 255-5900


300 East Mountain View Street
Barstow , Ca 92311


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

​The Barstow Area is the second largest geographical area in the department and is responsible for patrolling the most freeway miles in the State. Our area patrols Interstate 15, Interstate 40, State Route 247, State Route 127, State Route 58, U.S. Highway 395 and approximately 1,400 miles of county roads. Inside the Barstow CHP patrol area are two major U.S. Military sites including Fort Irwin Army Base and the Marine Corps Logistical Base of Barstow, as well as thousands of acres of Off Highway Vehicle riding areas, Dumont Dunes, and various small county communities.

Another unique part of the Barstow CHP Area is that we are home to the Barstow CHP Dispatch Center and the Mountain Pass Resident Post. Our Dispatch Center is not only responsible for the Barstow CHP Area, but also the Needles, Victorville, and Morongo CHP Areas. The Mountain Pass Resident Post is home to several CHP Officers and they are responsible for patrolling the surrounding area.

At the Barstow Area office we offer a variety of programs to the public. Such programs include new driver education, senior driving courses, and child safety seat instruction and installation. For more information about the Barstow Area CHP Office and our upcoming events call us at 760-255-5900 or visit our Facebook and Twitter pages at CHP-Barstow.

Captain Wagner.jpg

Chuck Wagner

A Message from the Captain

On behalf of the dedicated men and women of the California Highway Patrol Barstow Area, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our Web page. Within this site, you will find helpful information about our Area, its structure, its services, and the men and women that serve your local communities.
The Barstow Area has a diverse workforce comprised of 60 sworn officers, and 25 civilian members. Every member is dedicated and responsible for providing the highest level of Safety, Service, and Security to the public, businesses, and visitors. Department personnel are paramount assets and through them we strive for excellence and professionalism through partnerships within our community, government entities, and allied agencies. We are constantly developing and participating in proactive community-based strategies in order to promote safe, vital, and healthy communities. You have entrusted us with the education of traffic safety issues, enforcement of laws and regulations, and implementation of additional safety programs. To prove that we deserve your trust, we voluntarily submitted to an external, objective evaluation of departmental operations by the Commission of Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). Our Department, Academy, and Communications Centers are proud to be internationally accredited through the CALEA Accreditation Program.
Whether you are traveling on the freeway or visiting the local Department of Motor Vehicles, CHP officers are on patrol 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We seek your comments and concerns. You can contact us by calling the Barstow Area office at (760) 255-5900.​

​Court Information

The Barstow CHP Area office uses several different courts as noted below:


Victorville Superior Court 


14455 Civic Drive
Victorville, CA 92392 

Hours: Hours:
Monday 7am-5pm
Tuesday 7am-5pm
Wednesday 7am-5pm
Thursday 7am-5pm
Friday 7am-5pm
Saturday 8am-12pm
Sunday Closed 

Phone: (760) 245-6215

Barstow Superior Court

235 E. Mountain View Street
Barstow, CA 92311

Hours: Hours:
 Monday 8am-4pm
Tuesday 8am-4pm
 Wednesday 8am-4pm
Thursday 8am-4pm
Friday 8am-4pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed 
Phone: (760) 718-3700

​Tow Information

The Barstow CHP Rotation tow program includes the following tow companies:


(760) 733-4380
72572 Baker Blvd.
P.O. Box 6
Baker, CA. 92309


1741 W. Main St.
Barstow, CA. 92311


(760) 252-9000
2150 E. Main St.
Barstow, CA 92311


65845 Cima Rd
HC #1 Box 219
Mountain Pass, CA. 92366


(760) 259-5237
2151 W. Main St.
Barstow, CA 92311


2241 W. Main St.
Barstow, CA. 92311


701 W. Main St.
Barstow, CA. 92311


(760) 256-3028
821 W. Main St.
Barstow, CA. 92311


251 Cal Ave.
Barstow, CA 92311


72922 Baker Blvd
P.O. Box 709
Baker, CA. 92309



Can I get a copy of a CHP investigated collision report at any CHP office? Can I get a copy of a CHP investigated collision report at any CHP office? <p>​<br>Yes. Any CHP office will be able to get a copy of a CHP collision report or arrange for one to be mailed to your address.<br> <br>For example, if you live in Los Angeles and were involved in a collision in Redding, California, you can go into any CHP office in Southern California and have them obtain a copy of your collision report from the Redding CHP office, or arrange for the collision report to be mailed to your home or business address.</p>
How do I get a VIN inspection/verification? How do I get a VIN inspection/verification? <p>An appointment is required, and certain documents must be brought to the appointment by the vehicle owner. <br> <br>Call your local CHP Area office to obtain further details and schedule an appointment. </p>
How soon can I contact the court after I receive a citation? How soon can I contact the court after I receive a citation? <p>​<br>Citations are not entered into the system right away. Make sure to allow approximately two weeks for the court to receive record of the citation from the date it was issued. Remember to take care of the citation on or prior to the court date cited at the bottom of the citation (below the red signature box). <br> <br>For more information, visit the County Court website where you received your citation.</p>
I have a question regarding a ticket that I have received or lost. I have a question regarding a ticket that I have received or lost. <p>​<br>Once a citation is issued, the case then falls under the jurisdiction of the court and any questions, extensions, or concerns regarding your case would need to be directed to them. The court should send you a courtesy notice with the fine and/or appearance date. If not, it is your responsibility to contact the court and take care of the citation. The date and time of your appearance as well as the court address and phone number should be written at the bottom of the citation. You may also access the courts online at: http://www.ca.gov/Driving/LawsSafety/TrafficFines.html <br> <br>Another website for court information is:<br>http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp/traffic/ <br><br>You can choose your county if it is not posted already.<br> <br>If you have not already read the instructions on the reverse side of your citation, you should do so immediately. </p>
I will be traveling to California and want to carry my weapon. I currently have a concealed weapon permit. How can I legally transport my weapon while driving through the state? I will be traveling to California and want to carry my weapon. I currently have a concealed weapon permit. How can I legally transport my weapon while driving through the state? <p>​California law does not recognize concealed weapon permits from other states; therefore, they would not be held valid. If you wish to transport a handgun during your California visit, it should be carried unloaded in a locked container. In the absence of a suitable container, you may secure the unloaded handgun in the locked trunk of a passenger car. Ammunition may be kept in the same container or trunk, but the handgun must remain unloaded with no rounds in the cylinder and no loaded magazines in the magazine well. <br>If you have additional questions, contact the California Department of Justice at (916) 227-3703. </p>
My car was towed. How do I get it released? My car was towed. How do I get it released? <p>​<br>While there are many reasons that a vehicle may be towed by the CHP, all will fall into one of two categories: "Stored" or "Impounded": <br><br>Stored Vehicles <br>Vehicles stored by the CHP can be retrieved directly from the tow company by the registered owner or his/her agent. Some examples of "stored" vehicles include:<br> <br>· Vehicle involved in a traffic collision, and cannot be driven from the scene.<br>· Vehicle left parked on a freeway in excess of four hours.<br>· Vehicle left parked blocking a lane or creating a traffic hazard.<br>Impounded Vehicles<br>Vehicles impounded by the CHP require a release from the office that caused it to be impounded. Tow companies will not release the vehicle unless they are directed to by the CHP. Common examples of "impounded" vehicles include:<br>· Vehicles towed because the driver did not have a valid Driver License.<br>· Vehicles towed as part of an investigation where further examination is necessary.<br>· Vehicles without valid paid registration.<br><br>If you are unsure of why your vehicle was towed or where it was towed to, please contact the office that caused your vehicle to be towed for more information.</p>

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