Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) works closely with state and local agencies and other traffic safety stakeholders to actively address impaired driving. The CHP will consider a variety of factors in determining specific needs for each grant cycle, including opportunities and projects best suited to prevent the loss of life, injuries, and property damage caused by driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
The purpose of the Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program (CTFGP) is to provide alternative funding sources to augment, but not supplant, current activities and programs.
The CHP will allocate funds for the project categories in accordance with California Code of Regulations (CCR) Sections 1890.05 through 1890.07, as determined by the CHP.
The funding provided is appropriated by the California State Controller’s Office, and all grants are awarded on a competitive basis, unless otherwise specified within the Request for Application.
The CHP may consider an extended project performance period based on need, as determined by the CHP.
The awarding of a grant does not guarantee ongoing or future funding.
NOTE: Funding distribution will be based on the total amount of estimated funding available for each grant cycle.
Application Submission
All applications must be submitted through the CHP’s online Grant Management System (GMS).
Award Announcement
Successful applicants shall receive a Notice of Award electronically from the CHP, and awards will be posted on the CTFGP Web page at Upon acceptance of funds, awardees may be required to issue a press release.
Award of Grants
Selection(s) made by the CHP are final and not subject to appeal in accordance with CCR Section 1890.13.
Program Regulations
The CHP has published regulations through the Office of Administrative Law, which governs the CTFGP and establishes a uniform set of administrative and financial procedures for program participants. Interested applicants should review the regulations posted on the Program Regulations page before submitting an application. By accepting CTFGP funds, organizations agree to fully comply and adhere to all requirements in the regulations.
Grant Agreement
Applicants approved for funding by the CHP are required to enter into a Grant Agreement and must agree to comply with all terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement. The Grant Agreement is fully executed only when signed by the Grantee and the
CHP. The Grantee may not transfer or assign the Grant Agreement to another organization or party at any time. The Grantee shall ensure that all subcontractors comply with the requirements of the Grant Agreement terms and conditions, and program regulations.
Governing Body Resolution
Prior to execution of a Grant Agreement, all city, county, and district applicants shall submit, via e-mail, a governing body resolution providing approval to receive CTFGP funding.
Required Form
An STD. 204, Payee Data Record (STD. 204) form or a Financial Information System for California (FI$Cal) form, is required at the time of application submission to process disbursements of grant funds to the grantee.
- STD 204: For non-governmental entities or individuals
- Fi$Cal: For government agencies
Monitoring and Reporting
To ensure funds are used responsibly and projects remain on track for completion within the designated performance period, grantees must
regularly communicate with the CHP’s Cannabis Grants Unit (CGU) by submitting required grant progress reports and financial expenditures on a quarterly basis during the State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30).
In addition to quarterly reporting, grantees may be required to monitor their projects by facilitating site visits and providing additional information, as required in the regulations.
Reimbursement Requests
A grantee may not submit claims for reimbursement until a fully executed Grant Agreement is on file with the CHP. Disbursement of grant funds occurs on a reimbursement basis
only for costs incurred during a reporting period and is contingent upon the grantee complying with all grant requirements and appropriation of sufficient funds. Grantees must submit paid invoices to the CHP’s CGU on a quarterly basis during the State Fiscal Year (July 1 through June 30), through the CHP’s online GMS, no later than 14 calendar days following the end of the quarter. Late submissions may result in denial and/or delay of the reimbursement. Substantiating documentation for all costs claimed must be included in
accordance with CCR Section 1890.22.