Cannabis Tax Fund Grant Program Opportunity

The 2025/2026 Grant Application submission period opens January 8, 2025.


For specific Grant Opportunity information for the CTFGP 2025/2026 Grant Cycle, refer to the appropriate Request for Application (RFA) below.  

Toxicology Driving Under the Influence (DUI)/Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID):  Crime Laboratories
Grant funds shall be used to improve and advance the standardization of practices in Toxicology Crime Laboratories supporting DUI/DUID projects to aid in the enforcement of traffic laws related to driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs, including cannabis and cannabis products.

  • Eligible Grant Applicant
    Local Government, which includes California County and/or City Crime Laboratories

  • Project Performance Period
    Two Years (July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2027)

Click HERE for the NEW RFA, which provides Grant Opportunity information and requirements.  

Toxicology Driving Under the Influence (DUI)/Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUID):  Medical Examiners/Coroner’s Offices, and Law Enforcement Coroner’s Divisions
Grant funds shall be used to improve and advance the data collection in Medical Examiner/Coroner’s offices/divisions supporting DUI/DUID when a death occurs while the deceased was driving or riding in a motor vehicle, or a result of the deceased being struck by a motor vehicle.

  • Eligible Grant Applicant
    Local Government, which includes California County Medical Examiners/Coroner’s Offices, and Law Enforcement Coroner’s Divisions

  • Project Performance Period
    Two Years (July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2027)

Click HERE for the NEW RFA, which provides Grant Opportunity information and requirements.

Law Enforcement:  Large-Size Law Enforcement Organizations/Agencies
Grant funds shall be used for training, education, prevention, and/or the enforcement of traffic laws related to driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs, including cannabis and cannabis products.

  • Eligible Grant Applicant
     Large-Size Law Enforcement Organizations/Agencies, with the primary function of enforcing traffic laws, which includes responding to calls, making arrests, and issuing citations, pursuant to the California Penal Code, California Vehicle Code, and California Health and Safety Code

     Large-Size Law Enforcement Organizations/Agencies: 500 or more employees

  • Project Performance Period
    One Year (July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026)

Click HERE for the NEW RFA, which provides Grant Opportunity information and requirements.

Law Enforcement:  Small and Mid-Size Law Enforcement Organizations/Agencies
Grant funds shall be used for training, education, prevention, and/or the enforcement of traffic laws related to driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs, including cannabis and cannabis products.

  • Eligible Grant Applicant

    Small and Mid-Size Law Enforcement Organizations/Agencies, with the primary function of enforcing traffic laws, which includes responding to calls, making arrests, and issuing citations, pursuant to the California Penal Code, California Vehicle Code, and California Health and Safety Code

    Small-Size Law Enforcement Organizations/Agencies: 100 employees or less
    Mid-Size Law Enforcement Organizations/Agencies: 500 employees or less

  • Project Performance Period
    One Year (July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026)

 Click HERE for the NEW RFA, which provides Grant Opportunity information and requirements. 

Projects shall focus on local community-based activities that shift public perspectives and expand the number of activities utilized to help mitigate alcohol and drug-impaired driving.  Projects should showcase unique approaches that educate local communities on impaired driving laws, while highlighting the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.  

  • Eligible Grant Applicant
    Local Government, Law Enforcement, and Pass-Through Entity for a Qualified Nonprofit

  • Project Performance Period
    One Year (July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026)

Click HERE for the NEW RFA, which provides Grant Opportunity information and requirements. 

Determinations for funding will be based on current safety trends and the projects that will have the greatest ability to reduce driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs, including cannabis and cannabis products.
Grants will be awarded based on the highest scores and will undergo a two-stage review process:

  •  Administrative Review shall determine if a Grant Applicant is eligible, in accordance with CCR Section 1890.10.

  • A panel shall score and rank each Grant Application deemed compliant, in accordance with CCR Section 1890.11.  Scores will be given based on specific benefits of the individual projects and clarity of the application, in accordance with CCR Section 1890.12.

Click HERE for the Grant Application evaluation criteria. 

NOTE:  Failure to submit any required attachment or complete all required Grant Application components shall make the Grant Application incomplete.  Incomplete Grant Applications will not be scored or considered for funding.


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