DRE Program: Contact Information

General Contact

Office: (916) 843-4360        Email: dre@chp.ca.gov

Statewide DRE Coordinator/Policy & Legislation

Sergeant Robert Smith

Direct: (916) 843-4391        Email: RoSmith@chp.ca.gov


DECP Unit Supervisor

Sergeant Gary Martens

Direct: (916) 843-4370       Email: gmartens@chp.ca.gov

DRE Field Certification Coordinator

Field Cert - Officer Andrew McTaggart
Direct: (916) 843-4363 Email: AMcTaggart@chp.ca.gov

DRE Recertification Coordinator

SFST/DRE Instructor
Officer Andrew McTaggart
Direct: (916) 843-4363 Email: AMcTaggart@chp.ca.gov

SFST/DITEP Course Coordinator

SFST/DRE Instructor
Officer Bryce Morgan
Direct: (279) 224-6336 Email: Bryce.Morgan@chp.ca.gov

ARIDE Course Coordinator

ARIDE/DRE Instructor
Officer Jeremy Pierman
Direct: (916) 843-4377 Email: JPierman@chp.ca.gov

CHP DRE Grant Coordinator

Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Anne Heller
Direct: (916) 843-4374 Email: anne.heller@chp.ca.gov

DRE/DRE Instructor Course Coordinator 

SFST/DRE Instructor
Officer Matthew Barawed
Direct: (916) 843-4392 Email: MBarawed@chp.ca.gov

SFST Instructor Course Coordinator

SFST/DRE Instructor
Officer John Rosendale
Direct: (916) 843-4359 Email: John.Rosendale@chp.ca.gov

DRE Enrollment and Statistical Inquiries

Associate Governmental Program Analyst
Briana Gonzalez
Direct: (916) 325-4740 Email: briana.gonzalez@chp.ca.gov

DECP Office Technician

Karen Duran
Direct: (916) 843-4368 Email: dre@chp.ca.gov


Unit Contact

California Highway Patrol

Impaired Driving Section

601 North 7th Street

Sacramento, CA  95811

(916) 843-4360

Email: DRE@chp.ca.gov


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