(340) San Jose


(408) 961-0900


2020 Junction Avenue
San Jose , CA 95131


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

​The California Highway Patrol San Jose Area is proud to serve the Golden Gate region providing safety, service, and security to over one million residents, commuters, and tourists each day. As part of the CHP’s Golden Gate Division, our office patrols U.S. Route 101, Interstate 280, Interstate 680, Interstate 880, State Route 17, State Route 85, State Route 87, State Route 130, and State Route 237. We also cover parts of Montague, San Tomas, Lawrence, and Central Expressways in addition to roughly 1,000 miles of unincorporated county roadways in Santa Clara County. We offer a number of programs aimed at keeping you safe on the road and on the highway. Contact our office for information on how to safely buckle kids in their safety seats, teach new drivers the challenges of the road, or learn some tips for driving at night, in bad weather, and in high volume traffic. You can help us by driving defensively and safely, obeying the posted speed, giving enough room between you and the car ahead of you, using your turn indicators, and being courteous on the road. Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. Click Programs & Services above to learn more about the many traffic safety programs the CHP offers.

Christian Oliver.jpeg

​A Message from the Captain​

On behalf of the dedicated men and women of the San Jose Area California Highway Patrol, I would like to thank you for visiting our website.  This site will provide you with information about some of the educational programs and initiatives that personnel from this command offer, links to helpful external websites, and other information which you may find useful.

The San Jose Area is the largest CHP command in Northern California, and one of the busiest.  Over 115 employees, both sworn peace officers and non-sworn professional staff, come to work every day, dedicated to providing the highest level of safety, service and security to the communities we serve.  Located in Silicon Valley, the epicenter of technology and innovation, we are fortunate to work closely with private industry, our partners in government, and the community to be at the forefront of traffic safety.  We take pride in providing law enforcement security and services to a myriad of state properties and agencies.  We partner with our allied law enforcement agencies in the Santa Clara County to enforce the law, preserve the peace, and protect the innocent from victimization. 

You have placed your trust in the California Highway Patrol and our ability to perform our duty efficiently and effectively.  This expectation is not something that we take for granted.  Through voluntary external and objective evaluation by various accreditation agencies, internal audits, and continuous reevaluation, we welcome constructive criticism and look for ways to improve our service to you.  The men and women of the San Jose Area are dedicated to continually earning and maintaining your trust every day. 

Whether on a busy freeway in the heart of the Silicon Valley, in unincorporated areas of Santa Clara County, or at any number of state facilities in the area, CHP San Jose Area stands watch ready to assist those in peril or distress – and promises never to swerve from the path of duty.  As the commander of the San Jose Area, I am proud to serve alongside the talented and devoted members of this command.   Contact us in person or over the phone for employment opportunities!

Justin Bradford, Captain
Commander - San Jose Area

​San Jose Court Information

The San Jose Office of the California Highway Patrol uses several different courts as noted below.

​Traffic Court

Santa Clara Traffic Court

1095 Homestead Road
Santa Clara, CA 95050
(408) 556-3000

Palo Alto Traffic Court

270 Grant Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94306
(650) 462-3800

Fremont Municipal Court

39439 Paseo Padre Parkway
Fremont, CA 94539

Santa Cruz Municipal Court

701 Ocean Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95060


​Parking Citations

Parking Citation Center

P.O. Box 849
San Jose, CA  95106-0849
(800) 281-7275


​Criminal Court

San Jose Superior Court

200 W. Hedding Street
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 808-6600


​Juvenile Court

Santa Clara County Juvenile Court

840 Guadalupe Parkway
San Jose, CA 95110
(408) 808-6200



Officer Coburn B Jewell had parked his patrol car on the highway shoulder with the amber light on. Jewell was sitting on the passenger side of the front seat when a motorist lost control of his vehicle and crashed into the parked patrol car. The motorist's vehicle was traveling at 50 MPH when it struck Officer Jewell's patrol vehicle. The force of the impact killed Officer Jewell.


Officer William D McKim, assigned to the Coyote Scale Facility near San Jose, was pursuing a commercial vehicle violator when his patrol car crossed the center divider on US Highway 101 and was struck by a truck and trailer. The 50 year old patrol officer was killed instantly. McKim, a veteran of 19 years with the department, had been assigned to San Jose for 17 years. Before joining the CHP, McKim had been a firefighter with the City of Modesto.




Interested in pursuing a career with the California Highway Patrol? We are a proud and diverse department with offices spanning the whole of the State of California. Our Officers come from all manner of backgrounds and each bring a unique personal history and experience to their interaction with the public. If you are interested in serving your community with the highest levels of professionalism, respect and honor, visit www.chpmadeformore.com and answer the call.






The California Highway Patrol Explorer Program is a unique and challenging opportunity that allows young men and women (ages 15-21) to be an integral part of the Department's operations and experience what a career in law enforcement would be like. Explorers are trained in many aspects of law enforcement and they work with Officers in the field as they patrol the streets and highways of California. The Explorers participate in many activities including ride-alongs with Officers, DUI checkpoints, medical and physical fitness training, assisting with clerical duties, and community service events. These young men and women are dedicated to the mission of developing themselves into responsible and productive citizens through discipline and a commitment to serve their community.


The San Jose Area is proud to be a thriving Explorer post. Feel free to contact our Office for additional information.


We host many community oriented programs at the San Jose CHP Office focusing on driving safety and community interaction. Some of those programs include Start Smart and Impact Teen Driver presentations focusing on giving young and new drivers the tools and knowledge essential to remaining safe behind the wheel, the Age Well Drive Smart program focusing on senior drivers and safety, and car seat safety classes at area hospitals, in addition to a fitting station at our Office with appointments available by phone.  We also do presentations for companies and businesses on a recurring basis talking to their employees about driving laws and removing distractions from the driving environment.


We are very committed to our community and pride ourselves on the relationships we build and maintain. Events like Coffee With A Cop give us the opportunity to foster those relationships and have an open dialogue about any community concerns.


Check back often for information about when these events are taking place. You can also check our Facebook and Twitter pages at CHP San Jose, or call our Office for more information.


Upcoming classes

Start Smart - We hold a Start Smart class at our office on the first Monday and third Wednesday of every month.

Call 408-961-0900 for scheduling.

Age Well Drive Smart - Call location for scheduling

Please contact our office at (408)961-0900 for more information on upcoming classes


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