(240) Oroville


(530) 538-2700 or 1-800-TELL-CHP


2072 Third Street
Oroville , CA 95965


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Commander’s Message:

​The Oroville Area serves the south region of Butte County providing safety, service, and security to over 69,000 residents, commuters, and tourists.  Our officers patrol State Route 70, 99, 162, and 149 as well as approximately 900 miles of unincorporated county roadways and 56,000 acres of state property within the Oroville Wildlife Area.  Additionally, officers patrol over 50 state facilities to include the world-famous Oroville Dam.  The Dam and its subsidiaries provide water for 23 million people and generate an average of 6,500 gigawatt hours of hydroelectricity annually.

We offer several programs aimed at keeping the public safe on the highway. Contact our office for information on how to safely buckle kids in their safety seats; teach new drivers the challenges of the road; or learn new tips for driving at night, in bad weather, and in high volume traffic.  Thank you for taking the time to visit our Website.  Click Programs & Services above to learn more about the many traffic safety programs the CHP offers.
The office is located off State Route 70 on 3rd Street within the city limits of Oroville.  From the south, take the Grand Avenue exit and continue straight after stopping at the stop sign at the top of the off-ramp.  The office is on the right just before the Home Depot. From the north, take the Nelson Avenue/Grand Avenue exit and turn left on Nelson Avenue and then right on 3rd Street.  The office is on the left just past the Home Depot. 

​CHP Oroville Photos




​Butte County Superior Court (Traffic)
1775 Concord Ave.
Chico, CA 95928
(530) 892-9407
8:30am to 4:00pm

Butte County Superior Court (Criminal)
One Court Street.
Oroville CA 95965
8:30am to 4:00pm

​Social Media Links



​Vin Appointments:

Please contact our office to make an appointment (530)538-2700.

Car Seat Appointments:

Please contact our office to make an appointment (530)538-2700.

​Community Outreach Programs

Oroville CHP office conducts several of the following educational classes as a service to our community:

  • Adult Distracted Driver Education

  • Distracted Driving Education For Teens 

  • Age Well Drive Smart Class 

  • Start Smart For Teens and Their Parents

Please contact the Oroville CHP Area office at (530) 538-2700 for dates, times, locations, and sign up information.

FAQ Section:

How do I contest the findings of a traffic collision report? 
If you are the involved party in a traffic collision, and disagree with any portion of the report, you may write a "supplemental" statement. In your written statement, please include:

  • The report number

  • Your name

  • The specific item or items with which you disagree

You may bring this statement into any CHP office, or send it via US Mail. You will receive a response by US Mail.

We do not recommend attempting to contact the investigating officer directly by phone, as it eliminates our ability to track your concerns.

How much does the CHP charge for a copy of a collision report? 
The CHP charges only a nominal fee to cover reproduction costs (To determine the cost of your report, please contact the CHP office where the report was filed). The CHP charges the following for collision reports:

• $10.00 — 01 - 25 pages
• $20.00 — 26 - 50 pages
• $30.00 — 51 - 75 pages
• $40.00 — 76 - 100 pages
• $10.00 — Over 100 - for each additional 25 pages or portion thereof 

**There is no extra charge for handling or mailing. Your personal check or money order must be sent with your request and made out to the California Highway Patrol. Please place the report number on your check, if you know it. NO CASH PLEASE if you are requesting the report by mail.  We do not accept Credit or Debit cards at this time. 
How soon can I contact the court after I receive a citation? 
Citations are not entered into the system right away. Make sure to allow approximately two weeks for the court to receive record of the citation from the date it was issued. Remember to take care of the citation on or prior to the court date cited at the bottom of the citation (below the red signature box). 

For more information, visit the County Court website where you received your citation.

I received a ticket. What do I do now? 

The CHP issues three types of tickets, which can be identified by the form number at the top left of the citation:

• Traffic Citation (CHP 215)
Once issued, a traffic citation can only be handled through the court specified at the bottom of the form. If the citation includes a mechanical violation to be corrected, it may be brought to any CHP office, police department, or sheriff's office for certification. CHP does not charge for this certification, and no appointment is required.
• Mechanical or Equipment Citation (CHP 281)
A correctable mechanical or equipment citation points out a fault or discrepancy with your vehicle. The violation must be corrected and verified by any law enforcement officer before being returned to the issuing office. The issuing office address is listed on the back of the citation. Postage is required if sending through US Mail.
Violations must be certified as corrected and returned to the issuing office within 30 days. If the violation is not resolved, it will be converted into a traffic citation and will be forwarded to the local court for processing.
• Parking Ticket (CHP 267)
Once issued, any correspondence or payment of fines for a CHP-issued parking citation can only be handled through the Parking Citation Center listed at the bottom of the form.

My car was towed. How do I get it released? 
While there are many reasons that a vehicle may be towed by the CHP, all will fall into one of two categories: "Stored" or "Impounded": 

Stored Vehicles 
Vehicles stored by the CHP can be retrieved directly from the tow company by the registered owner or his/her agent. Some examples of "stored" vehicles include:

• Vehicle involved in a traffic collision, and cannot be driven from the scene.
• Vehicle left parked on a freeway in excess of four hours.
• Vehicle left parked blocking a lane or creating a traffic hazard.

Impounded Vehicles
Vehicles impounded by the CHP require a release from the office that caused it to be impounded. Tow companies will not release the vehicle unless they are directed to by the CHP. Common examples of "impounded" vehicles include:

• Vehicles towed because the driver did not have a valid Driver License.
• Vehicles towed as part of an investigation where further examination is necessary.
• Vehicles without valid paid registration.

If you are unsure of why your vehicle was towed or where it was towed to, please contact the office that caused your vehicle to be towed for more information.
Where can I go to get my ticket signed off? 
Contact your nearest CHP Office during normal business hours to schedule a time to verify your violation has been corrected. 


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