(252) South Sacramento

South Sacramento Office


(916) 897-5600 or 1-800-TELL-CHP


6 Massie Court
Sacramento , CA 95823


8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
8:00 AM- 5:00 PM

The Office is also closed on all State of California Holidays.​

​The California Highway Patrol South Sacramento Area is proud to serve the Sacramento Region and the south county area by providing Safety, Service, and Security to the thousands of motorist who use our highways daily.  As part of the CHP’s Valley Division, our office patrols sections of Interstate 5, State Route 99, Highway 50, Business 80, as well as 500 miles of unincorporated county roadways.  Serving over 100,000 residents of Sacramento County, we offer a number of programs aimed at keeping you safe on the road and highway.

Contact our office for information on scheduling appointments for Child Restraint Seat checks; Start Smart classes, which are targeted for newly licensed teen drivers and their parents; Age Well, Drive Smart classes, which are targeted for drivers over the age of 65; or obtaining information on the numerous other driver safety programs the CHP has to offer.  Our Senior Volunteer program provides a fantastic opportunity to work with one of the premier law enforcement agencies in the world.  We are also home to one
of the most active CHP Explorer Posts in the state.  Please help us reduce collisions by driving defensively, obeying traffic laws, and avoiding distractions.



​The South Sacramento Area has trained Child Restraint Seat Technicians available to assist you in installing your seat in your vehicle.  Please call for an appointment.  Appointments are generally scheduled for Wednesday mornings and last for approximately 30-45 minutes.

​Carol Miller Justice Center                Gordon D. Schaber Courthouse

Traffic / Small Claims                                               Misdemeanor / Felony             

www.saccourt.ca.gov                                                       www.saccourt.ca.gov

301 Bicentennial Circle                                                    720 9th Street

Sacramento, CA  95829                                                    Sacramento, CA  95814

(916) 875-7800                                                                      (916) 875-5744

Front desk Officer Michael Harper


​Public Information Officer Mark Leavitt


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