(250) North Sacramento

CHP Cars


(916) 348-2300


5109 Tyler Street
Sacramento , CA 95841


8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

​The California Highway Patrol North Sacramento Area is proud to serve the Sacramento region providing safety, service, and security
to thousands of residents, commuters, and tourists each day. As part of the CHP’s Valley Division, our office is responsible for patrolling approximately 1,262 miles of highway throughout northern Sacramento County. This includes 62 miles of state highways and 1,200 miles of county roads. The major thoroughfares through the North Sacramento Area are Interstate 5, Interstate 80, State Route 51 (Business 80 loop), State Route 160, and State Route 99. All of these freeways are used as commuter routes and as corridors for interstate commerce. These routes serve as major transportation arteries for State officials traveling from outlying areas to the State Capitol, as well as serving the state workforce which is the main source of employment for Sacramento County residents.

Sacramento is the State’s second largest inland city with a combined population of more than 2 million. It is the fourth largest city in California behind Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego. As the Capital of California, Sacramento offers more civil service jobs than any other city in the State. Government jobs bring several families into the region. These jobs, along with our proximity to the San Francisco Bay area and Sierra Nevada Mountains, make the Sacramento area the perfect place to raise a family. This increase in families also brings an increase in the number of calls to which the CHP officers respond.

In 2012, the North Sacramento Area received 170,356 calls for service. In 2013, the Area received 174,114 calls for service. Calls for service can mean anything from responding to a ladder in the roadway to a collision with multiple fatalities or responding to take a stolen vehicle report. There are several tasks a CHP officer is called to do during the course of their work day. The recent influx of people into the region means an increase of 3,758 calls over the two-year period. The 2013 data shows an average of 2,720 calls for service per officer per year for the North Sacramento area. This makes us one of the busiest CHP offices in the State!

As part of our mission, the North Sacramento Area offers a number of programs aimed at keeping you safe on the road. Contact our office for information on how to safely buckle kids in their safety seats, teach new drivers the challenges of the road, or learn some tips for driving at night, in bad weather, and in high volume traffic. In the meantime, you can help us by driving defensively and safely, obeying the posted speed, giving enough room between you and the car ahead of you, using your turn indicators, and being courteous on the road.

Thank you for taking the time to visit our web site.

Click Programs & Services to learn more about the many traffic safety programs the CHP offers.

​CHP North Sacramento Area Coordinators

Explorer Post Advisor / Public Information Officer

Officer Justin Fetterly


School Bus / Tow Officer
Officer Henry Pastoor


Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Appointments

Please email: 250VIN_Appointments@chp.ca.gov

OR call the North Sac Area Office



Air Unithttps://www.chp.ca.gov/ValleyDivisionSite/PublishingImages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=78Air Unit
Swat Teamhttps://www.chp.ca.gov/ValleyDivisionSite/PublishingImages/Forms/DispForm.aspx?ID=79Swat Team

​The North Sacramento CHP Area has trained Child Restraint Seat Technicians available to assist you in installing your car seat in your vehicle.  Please call for an appointment.

​Sacramento & Placer County Court Info

Carol Miller Justice Center

Traffic / Small Claims

301 Bicentennial Circle

Sacramento, CA 95829

(916) 875-7800

Sac Court Website

Gordon D. Schaber Courthouse

Misdemeanor / Felony

720 9th Street

Sacramento, CA 95814

(916) 875-5744

Sac Court Website 

Santucci Justice Center

Misdemeanor / Felony /Traffic / S. Claims

 10820 Justice Center Drive

Roseville, CA 95678

(916) 408-6000

Placer Court Website

CHP Explorer Program

The CHP Explorer Program offers a unique and challenging opportunity to young men and women to become an integral part of the Department's operations, and experience what a career in law enforcement would be like. Successful completion of the Explorer Program can open many doors and present many opportunities for the youth of tomorrow, especially for an Explorer who is planning to make the CHP a career.

The mission of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Explorer Program is to develop young people into responsible and productive citizens through discipline and a commitment to serving their community. The North Sacramento Area office will be hosting an open house for all interested Explorer candidates. Please join us on Wednesday, January 17th from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm. We are located at 5109 Tyler St, Sacramento, 95841.  

For more information regarding the North Sacramento CHP Explorer Program, please contact Officer Amy Walker at (916) 348-2300.

CHP Logo

California Highway Patrol Careers

The California Highway Patrol offers challenging and exciting careers in the field of law enforcement.  If you are interested in diversity, challenges, and opportunities, the CHP invites you to apply to become a part of our professional organization. We keep competitive and current with training and technology, keeping the citizens of California safe. We have many employment opportunities, and we invite you to look into the California Highway Patrol for your future.
The Department provides an excellent salary, full medical benefits, and a defined benefits retirement program.

 Join the CHP family.


​Frequently Asked Questions



How do I get a VIN inspection/verification? How do I get a VIN inspection/verification? <p>​An appointment is required, and certain documents must be brought to the appointment by the vehicle owner. </p><p>Call <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=76bdb9c2-3652-4bd5-b330-1eb3d8127efd&TermSetId=60be2733-c40e-4f75-96cc-b67d4d71e190&TermId=ba6245fa-99af-41be-867f-f9f16cb25740">your local CHP Area office </a>to obtain further details and schudule an appointment. </p>
How do I get a copy of an accident report in which I was involved? How do I get a copy of an accident report in which I was involved? <p>Directions for completing CHP <a href="/EnforcementAndPlanningDivisionSite/Documents/CHP%20190.pdf">Form 190</a> can be found here: <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=76bdb9c2-3652-4bd5-b330-1eb3d8127efd&TermSetId=60be2733-c40e-4f75-96cc-b67d4d71e190&TermId=b430f7f2-ba47-4e3a-9a5c-1363d4423595">https://www.chp.ca.gov/traffic/request-a-collision-report</a>. The form contains areas to fill out information in both English and Spanish.</p><p>Traffic Collision Reports are available to be picked up at any CHP office during normal business hours. To receive a copy of a  report you must be an involved party, passenger, property owner, or licensed insurance agent (with a signed release from your insured, an involved party). There is a fee for the collision report (cash or check); contact your local area office. Call the CHP office overseeing the incident ahead of time to see if your traffic collision report is available for pick up.</p>

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