(260) East Sacramento

​The East Sacramento Explorer Post was established in April 2014 with nearly 20 explorers. CHP Explorers are an integral part of the Department's operations and are provided many and varied opportunities to train, prepare and experience the duties of a law enforcement officer. Explorers are introduced into the CHP family as they learn the tenents of "CHP PRIDE": Courage - Honesty - Professionalism - Principles - Respect - Integrity - Dedication - Esprit de Corps. Explorers participate in training sessions, ride with patrol officers, participate in community events, and attend Explorer competitions locally, regionally and nationally.
The East Sacramento Explorer Post 9260 is continuously seeking motivated applicants, ages 15-21 who meet the qualifications for our training and mentoring program. Explore a career in law enforcement and serve the community. For further information, please contact the CHP East Sacramento Area Office at (916) 464-1450, or visit the office at 11336 Trade Center Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA 95760, during business hours and ask to speak to an Explorer Advisor. You may also email Officer Toni Griffin at TGriffin@chp.ca.gov or Carmen Fields at CFields@chp.ca.gov.

​2017 Fourth Quarter

This year so far in 2017, our Explorers have worked hard in receiving their First Aid CPR cards through American Red Cross, training for scenarios for competitions, various training exercises, attending level 3 and 4 academies, and working numerous events for the Sacramento community. In our latest explorer competition our post placed second place in DUI and second place in Vehicle Search. This was made possible by the knowledge and teaching effort by 260 CHP Officers. As another part of our training we had explores attend the CHP dispatch center where they attended a sit-along with our Sacramento dispatchers which includes 911 calls and radio communication with officers. In the summer of 2017 we had five explores graduate level III Academy and two explorers graduate level IV Academy. Community service is an important part to our explorer program. Our explores have assisted the community in safetyville events, hangtown motorcross classic, several high school sober grads, and along with gathering interest from the community about our explorer program in East Sacramento. If interested in joining our program please contact Officer Toni Griffin at (916) 464-1450 or tgriffin@chp.ca.gov.



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