(725) Hollister-Gilroy

California Highway Patrol (CHP) Explorers are an integral part of the Department's operations and are provided many opportunities to train, prepare, and experience the many duties of a CHP officer. Explorers are introduced into the CHP family as they learn the tenants of "CHP PRIDE": Courage - Honesty - Professionalism - Principles - Respect - Integrity - Dedication - Esprit De Corps. Explorers participate in training sessions, ride with patrol officers, participate in community events, and attend Explorer competitions locally, regionally, and nationally.

The Hollister-Gilroy Explorer Post 725 is looking for motivated applicants, ages 15-21, who meet the qualifications for our training program. For further information, please contact the CHP Hollister/Gilroy Area Office at (408) 848-2324, or visit the office at 740 Renz Lane, Gilroy, CA 95020, during business hours (M-F, 8a - 5p) and ask to speak with an Explorer advisor. You can also email Officer Chris Miceli at cmiceli@chp.ca.gov.

1st Quarter 2018

The Hollister-Gilroy Area held a Level 1 and Level 2 Explorer Training Academy at our Area office on 2/24 – 2/25/18. During the training academy, Explorer cadets learn about CHP history, vehicle stops, ride-a-long procedures, vehicle code, radio operations, first aid, CPR and much more. The CHP’s Level 3 Explorer academy will be held in July. Our Explorer Cadets are using their monthly meetings now to prepare for the challenge that the Level 3 Academy poses. We currently have 5 Explorer Cadets but are seeking more. Please call the Hollister-Gilroy Area office and speak with Officer Chris Miceli to setup an interview.





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