The Santa Maria Area CHP office is currently seeking interested explorer applicants, ages 15-21, who meet the qualifications for our training and mentoring program. For information call the Santa Maria Area Office at (805) 349-8728, or visit the office at 1710 North Carlotti Drive, Santa Maria CA 93454 during business hours and ask to speak to an Explorer Advisor. You may also email Officer Kenny at
CHP Explorers are an integral part of the Department's operations and are provided many and varied opportunities to train, prepare and experience the duties of a CHP officer. Explorers are introduced into the CHP family as they learn the principles of "CHP PRIDE". Courage - Honesty - Professionalism - Principles - Respect - Integrity - Dedication - Esprit de Corps. Explorers participate in training sessions, ride with patrol officers, participate in community events, and attend Explorer competitions locally, regionally and nationally.