
San Gorgonio Pass


The San Gorgonio CHP Explorer Post is always seeking motivated applicants for the program. For further information, please contact the San Gorgonio CHP area office at (951) 769-2000, email us at 655explorerpost@gmail.com, or stop by the office at 195 Highland Springs Avenue, in Beaumont, CA during business hours and ask to speak with an Explorer Advisor.



Fourth Quarter Activity Summary 2015

The San Gorgonio Explorer Post explorers have been receiving training involving building searches, active shooters, close quarter combat, and proper vehicle inspections. During the training for the building searches, active shooters, and close quarter combat, the explorers were afforded the opportunity to use airsoft handguns and rifles to simulate a more realistic approach to the training. The explorers enjoyed a couple weeks off during the Christmas break and were able to have a Christmas party with a gift exchange.

We disassembled and reassembled the .40 Cal. Smith and Wesson handgun and learned the nomenclature of the handgun. We also participated in our quarterly Physical Agility Test (PAT).

During the next quarter, we will be conducting another Physical Agility Test, spike strip deployment, felony stops, felony kneeling hand cuffing techniques, and searches. We plan to attend competitions, DUI check points, have an explorer “fun day” (paintball guns and pizza), and community service activities. As always, we are excited to see where this next quarter will take us.

First Quarter 2015 Activity Summary

The San Gorgonio Explorer Post assisted CHP Officers with a DUI check point, observing several arrests, tickets, and direct contact with the public.  We were fortunate enough to assist with setting up the closure and towing vehicles.  We participated in a felony stop competition with Hemet Police Department.  The CHP explorers received a crime broadcast of a certain type of vehicle that was fleeing the scene from an assault with a deadly weapon.  The scenarios included the felony stops, arrests, searches, and investigative questioning.

We assisted with two different Start Smart classes, dispersing safety information and certificates.  We conducted two separate Level I academies, which included, traffic stops, arrests, towing vehicles, laying flares and cone patterns, and traffic collision investigations.

During the next quarter, we will be conducting a Physical Agility Test, a Level II Academy, and we plan to attend competitions, DUI check points, and community service activities.  We will be sending at least 4 explorers to the Level III Academy in West Sacramento, and we will be sending 1 explorer to the Level IV Academy in West Sacramento.  We are excited to see where this next quarter will take us.


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