(645) San Diego

The San Diego Area California Highway Patrol (CHP) Explorer Post 645 was established on November 2016. We currently have 8 active Explorers within our post. Our Explorers are given many opportunities to participate in tactical training sessions, ride with patrol officers, participate in community events, and attend Explorer competitions. CHP Explorers are given the opportunity to attend two separate week long academies at the CHP Academy in Sacramento, CA. CHP Explorers will learn the pillars of “CHP PRIDE” Courage – Honesty – Professionalism – Principles – Respect – Integrity – Dedication – Esprit de corps! All of these skills will help prepare Explorers to apply with the CHP, graduate from the CHP Academy, and become successful members of society.

The San Diego Area Explorer Post 645 is continuously seeking motivated applicants between the ages of 15-21, who meet the qualifications for our training program. For further information, please contact the CHP San Diego Area office. Call us at 858-293-6000 or come to the office at 5902 Kearny Villa Road, San Diego, CHP 92123 and ask to speak with an Explorer advisor during business hours of 8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. (Monday-Friday).




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