(625) El Centro

The El Centro California Highway Patrol (CHP) Explorer Post #625 is located at 2331 Highway 86 in the City of Imperial, California. Our phone number is (760) 312-1800. We currently have a total of 14 Explorers, one lead Explorer Advisor (Officer Amezcua), and two assistant Explorer Advisors.

We meet once a week on Thursday from 1730-1930 hours. Our Explorer program is demanding of your time and commitment. If you feel you have what it takes to be a CHP Explorer come by the El Centro CHP office or call and speak to an Officer for details regarding our program.

We're interested in you joining our team. Do you have what it takes?  Find out - contact us: The El Centro California Highway Patrol (CHP) Explorer Post #625 is located at 2331 Highway 86 in the City of Imperial California (760) 312-1800.




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