(720) Santa Cruz

The Santa Cruz Area is proud to announce the induction of Explorer Post #720.

CHP Explorers are an integral part of the Department's operations and are provided many and varied opportunities to train, prepare and experience the duties of a law enforcement officer. Explorers participate in training sessions, ride with patrol officers, participate in community events, and attend Explorer competitions locally, regionally and nationally. We are currently looking for qualified applicants between the ages of 15-21 to join our team.

Contact the Santa Cruz Area Office by phone at 831-662-0511 or in person at 10395 Soquel Dr., Aptos, CA 95003 for more information.

​Fourth Quarter 2017

2017 has been a great year for Santa Cruz Area Explorers. We had two cadets successfully complete level 3 academy and one complete level 4. Explorers have been busy, helping out with everything from DUI checkpoints, to doing traffic Control at Laguna Seca. Our group has started learning arrest techniques and are getting ready to attend their first competition this year. We are actively recruiting new cadets in hopes of expanding our post.




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