(840) Riverside

​Riverside Explorer Post 840

The Explorer program is designed for young men & women between the ages of 15-20 wishing to explore the possibilities of a future in law enforcement. Explorers will learn how to write traffic citations, conduct vehicle inventories, and basic structures of how to conduct themselves on area ride a longs. The Explorers also participate in various community service events with Officers to help them develop lifelong skills.

Apply online with the Riverside CHP Explorer Post at https://www.riversidechpexplorerpost840.com/
Or contact the Riverside CHP Office at 951-637-8000 and ask for Officer M. Johs. 

Post 840 Explorers were able to participate in a dispatch sit a long where they were able to see another side of the department. This was beneficial for Explorers to learn and see how radio communications worked between a comm center and  officers out in the field.


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