(450) Madera

The Madera Area Explorer Post 450 has been serving the Madera County since 2014. The squad is currently comprised of 10 male Explorers and 4 female Explorers. The CHP Explorer program offers a unique and challenging opportunity for young men and women ages 15-21 to be an integral part of the department's operations, and experience what a career in law enforcement will be like. The objective of this program is to teach leadership, integrity, commitment and responsibility so that they may better serve their communities. Successful completion of the Explorer Program can open many doors and present many opportunities for the youth of tomorrow, especially for an Explorer who is planning to make the CHP a career.
Through the program, Explorers attend training sessions, work in the CHP area office, ride along with patrol officers, participate in physical fitness training, medical (First Responder) training, community events, assist in DUI checkpoints, provide traffic control and attend Explorer competitions.

The Madera Area Explorer Post is actively seeking motivated applicants for the program. For further information please contact CHP Madera Area Office at (559)-675-1025 or stop by the office at 3051 Airport Drive, Madera, CA 93637 during business hours (8am-5pm).


Fourth Quarter 2017

​During the 2017 fourth quarter, the Madera CHP Explorer Post continued to assist the Valley Clean Air Now event. The post assisted with traffic control at the Madera Fairgrounds by providing traffic control and staffing the CHP booth at the fair. The Madera CHP Explorer Post also assisted with the annual CHiP’s for kid’s event by handing out gifts to families the Madera CHP sponsored. CHP Officers as well as the Explorers teamed up with Celebration Church for a truly awesome Christmas blessing. Celebration church donated over 100 bicycles, which the CHP matched with bicycle helmets, to Washington Elementary schools 3rd grade class. The Explorers also assisted the Public Information Officer in the annual Madera Christmas Parade. Explorers handed out stickers to the public and interacted with the community. Lastly, the Explorers assisted Fresno Area CHP Officers and their Explorers with traffic control for the Christmas Tree Lane walk nights. The Explorers made sure the public could cross busy intersections while enjoying the Christmas festivities. We also promoted three Explorers to the rank of Sergeant. With a new year coming, the new Explorers will be having Level I and Level II training, and our post will continue our hard work.



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