(340) San Jose

​The San Jose Area is proud to announce the inauguration of its Explorer Post 340.

CHP San Jose Area
The mission of the California Highway Patrol (CHP) Explorer Program is to develop young people into responsible and productive citizens through discipline and a commitment to serving their community.

The CHP Explorer Program offers a unique and challenging opportunity to young men and women to become an integral part of the Department's operations, and experience what a career in law enforcement would be like. Successful completion of the Explorer Program can open many doors and present many opportunities for the youth of tomorrow, especially for an Explorer who is planning to make the CHP a career.
San Jose CHP Area Office located at 2020 Junction Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131. If you are interested in more information come by and see what the program has to offer.

The San Jose CHP Explorer Advisors can be reached at ExplorerPost340@chp.ca.gov or by calling the office at (408) 961-0900




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